Saturday, December 02, 2006

Theme: dreAm aNother dAy

someone's mus b sayin a prayer.. sayin that something mus see me thru..
i got a new job. happy. no need to see those punters le. dun need to endure spitters in front of my counter.. hahaha.... dun need to get cough n flu for wks... by all the germs.. eeeyerrrr.

pale moonlight. someone's thinking of me. oh, how very sweet.
yah.. i accidentally took my fren's lect notes b home.. hahaha... too rushy. gotta start work on time mah...

even though it seems how very far apart we are. who knows we might b wishing upon the same bright star.
okie.. i will bring it next lect la... dun gan jeong la.. hahaha...

when the night starts singing e lonesome lullaby. alas.. me and my aspirations still slping under the same dim lit sky..

"outwit, outplay, outlast"

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