Wednesday, January 10, 2007

brainy ToTs~~

whew.. sch reopens. and theres accts test coming up the very first week! ok, nvm cos i had it covered. just. i mean. at 2.21am. hey but still early. decided to get a new post in.

din sleep well last nite.. the air con kept swtiching off by itself.. it kept waking me up in drops of sweat. haha. think my air con needs some servicing soon man.. or mayb get a proper fan in case..
think i only slept abt 2 hrs actually..

today got a full day in sch plus the trip to relc to pay my exam fees. surprisingly i'm not that tired now too. ya noe, the trip to relc today also signifies exams is nearing, forcing its way into my schedule come may. stress building up eh..

life is an never ending learning process, cos no matter how u learn to cope with stress, still u cant perfect it. hahaha... true not true.

my fren said to me, "tough times dun last. tough man do." this, i feel is crap. tough times dun end, after sch, its work stress, then its ur own family. its abt adopting different ways of coping with those times, at different stages of ur life.

therefore, only the sentence life is a never ending learning process is true. my stance now is, at this stage, whenever, i'm stressed, i jus go to sleep.

the NEXT day, i wake up with renewed determination. bcos the human mind works jus likedat. sleep can remove some of the sadness, happiness, emotions, stress, that u were feeling last night. its like, the joke u found so funny last night, dun seem so funny the next morning after all. right? its like the brain reconciles watever feelings u were feeling before the sleep and adjust it to a more neutral scale the next morning.

and it really works for me, tried n proven. i'm glad i found my stress relief! til next time, Au Revoir.

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