Tuesday, December 26, 2006

ThiNKer BellS.. thiNKing All the wAy.......

Merry Xmas!

hey, tis xmas is the least happening one.. but tis year is a important year =) an important year to end. oh, and yes come jan, i got somethings that i wanna fufil. like my resolution bleh..

looking forward to the next year. faster come!!


Merry Merry Merry!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

JusT SwiMMing iN Troubled WatErs....

its been more than a week..

god, i'm so slack nowadays.. prison breaking, writing death notes, walking on the street til late into the break of dawn..

yeah man. i just tell myself to relax this month for i'm going to need tons of chocolate to destress.. judgement day is getting closer day by day.. i dun need a judge. but, i'm judged by the society. get in.. get in and be judged. com'on.

Hey, i really need somebody to be there.. really.. sometimes i cant make it on my own..

til next time.

Monday, December 11, 2006

reSt my imAgination god of scripts..

my imagination jus doesnt leave me alone..

first i did some english lit kinda prose.. n then last wk a extraordinary post on turf club heroes. shit i'm gone case.. i sud had taken on a degree with script writing. all my ideas are so out of the world that i'll b rich very soon. haha chill..

i mean chill. er, to myself.. i need to focus on my work man.. weekends are meant for work nowadays.. i dun even hav much chance to hang out with frens.. cant even hav my soccer sessions on sun morning le..

gotta do tuts after reach home from work ya noe.. jus hope they understand.. someone asked why i 'MIA' for a month. but, funny thing is sometimes jus hope ppl will call me out.. so i can hav a reason to force myself out man.. cos i jus cant find excuse to relax myself. hahhaha..

ya noe, some frens think i really crap alot.. full of nonsense.. but all i wan to do is to entertain them, make them happy n laugh.. it also relieves my stress n makes me happy.. i can laugh crazily sometimes.. but, after that i feel so much better.. my way of destress.. anyway they must hav missed my shit. haha.. being alone, i really think v impt things.. too much for me to take myself at times.

hey but its all worth it.. i really grew v independent this couple of years. no money from mum, resist using my dad's car. phenomenally, revising sch work myself.. cant believe it myself either..

nowadays, sim is renovating to build an escalator.. evrything is changing, so much so i feel i've changed too. actually another reason for behaving crazily is my inability of getting over my past rship. well, its jus another typical sad love story u will see on tv man.

however slowly.. but surely, i'm feeling better n better as time goes by.. been one n a half yrs since.. come to realise wat ppl said is true abt 'time heals all wounds' though its a pity..

slowly.. but surely.. feeling better n less negative..

dunno why last sun nite, smoking by the window when its raining.. suddenly tis tot 'she's gone, accept it bcos too bad u have to serve,' 'jus take it as our rship din pass the test of time. anyway both of us are wrong in handling alot of things too. lets learn fron this, lets move on ba.' didnt dare entertain tis tot all along for so long.. suddenly when tis feeling came out from my brain juices.. theres an immense feeling of relief.. i guess tis time i'm really ready to untie that expired dead knot which cant be undone so long for unknown reasons..

maybe everything will turn for the better soon.. mayb.. dad will get a job..

Friday, December 08, 2006

AnOther "OnE oF thosE dayS"...

its one of those days...

one of those days... that i reach home feel like collapse in the bath room toilet. err.. n slp.

one of those days... i have to force myself on her... oh i mean it,, the tutorial sheet..

one of those days.... when i reach hm, its a cave for bats... here nothing holds true...

one of those days... turning to this blog, e only place where i'm true..

one of those days... u jus said u wanted ice.. so i made u freeze..

one of those days... had to convince myself, this whole place is fucking blissed..

one of those days.

its jus one of those days ur on the brink of falling.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

hMm.. theme: why dO i lOve her..

She moves.. in beauty.. of cloudless n starry skies.
beauty.. oh wat black beauty.
i cant, cant take my gaze off her aspect and eyes.
thus mellowed by her tender light..
where thoughts serenely sweet flash my mind..

enticed, clearly enticed..
by the way she's above me..
not the way she embraces..
like sweet love, her gazes mesmerized.
we must hav shared a thousand words..

gone, i'm not wretched..
she jus has to go.
true, not true at all.
she din leave for some else.
enticed, just enticed..

The smiles that win, the expressions that glow
one shade the less.. one ray the more..
however much, however solaced..
cant hold her to stay jus the moment..
but wat rendezvous..!

she moves.. oh, so ever gracefully ..

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Theme: dreAm aNother dAy

someone's mus b sayin a prayer.. sayin that something mus see me thru..
i got a new job. happy. no need to see those punters le. dun need to endure spitters in front of my counter.. hahaha.... dun need to get cough n flu for wks... by all the germs.. eeeyerrrr.

pale moonlight. someone's thinking of me. oh, how very sweet.
yah.. i accidentally took my fren's lect notes b home.. hahaha... too rushy. gotta start work on time mah...

even though it seems how very far apart we are. who knows we might b wishing upon the same bright star.
okie.. i will bring it next lect la... dun gan jeong la.. hahaha...

when the night starts singing e lonesome lullaby. alas.. me and my aspirations still slping under the same dim lit sky..

"outwit, outplay, outlast"